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杏林堂健氣寶片 (60片)- SportChi Tablets (Vital Energy Health Supplement) - 60 capsules





Bottle Size: 60片


Dosage: 270毫克片劑(有效成分)


Ingredients: 紅景天、銀杏葉


Product Code: HYY012-1


Remarks: 部份產品於個別地點有售。請查看“國際分銷商”


Suggested Use : 成人餐後以開水送服,每日一至兩次,每次一至兩片。可於運動前或運動時服用。


Precautions : 如您正懷孕、或將本品給予兒童服用、或正服用抗擬血藥物 (如香豆素) 或抗血小板藥 (如亞司匹林) ,服用本品前需向醫護人員諮詢。 另請避免空腹或於睡前服用本品。


Suitable individuals : 健氣寶片劑缓解體力疲勞,提高缺氧耐受力,易疲勞者,處於缺氣環境者及爱好帶氧運動及耐力運動人士合用。




Product Description:


60 Vegetarian tablets.


SportChi Tablets nourish chi (vital energy), promote healthy blood circulation, maintain clear lungs and calm the mind. They are indicated for chi deficiency and lack of energy and can be used for health and maintenance in high altitudes. 


In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), healthy chi and blood flow are essential elements in maintaining active brain and organ functions as well as keeping muscles and joints in working order. 


Click here (請按) to read more about SportChi.

杏林堂健氣寶片 (60片)- SportChi Tablets (Vital Energy Health Supplement) - 60 capsules

庫存單位: 0011
  • 2-8 星期 (按地址決定)

    2-8 weeks on average, depending on where you are located.

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